Many of us feel like we need someone to talk to. Yet, for some reason, we’re too embarrassed to seek relationship advice from our friends or family. Even speaking to a counselor is out of the question for most. There’s the cost implication that puts many of us off and then, there’s the social stigma that comes with seeing a specialist counselor for advice.
A survey by OnePlusOne, our parent site, found that 43% of adults wouldn’t want anyone to know that they’d seen a counselor. So who can we turn to when we need someone to just listen to us?
The Listening Room gives you the opportunity to offload in a private space. Talk to one of our helpers, who have counseling backgrounds, for up to 15 minutes. Helpers help you explore and understand what is going on in your relationship. This is not a mediation service but we do know that it often helps to talk it through and might help you take the next step.
Click the link in the bottom right of your screen and follow the prompts to start your session.
Listening Room helpers are available to chat on the CoupleConnection Monday to Sunday 9pm-10pm (GMT).

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At the end of your session, you will be requested to submit a rating out of 5 (1 being low and 5 being high) for your session with the helper. Please rate your session as this helps us monitor how well the service is performing.
PLEASE NOTE: User transcripts may be used for moderator training sessions in gaining an understanding of how we can provide a better service for you the user. These are secure sessions and no user data is released outside of these sessions. All moderators are under contract with OnePlusOne, a registered charity.
If you have any comments about the Listening Room service, please send us your feedback by using our contact form.