A girl contacted me on a dating site in December 2013. She seemed like a really nice girl. Naturally good looking, yet easy-going about it and chatty. Well, we got …
Affairs and Jealousy
Texting – Why does it cause me to worry so much?
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungRight so, I don’t like how texting has somehow integrated its way into being a marker of how our relationship is going. But no matter how much I try and …
Getting on Better with my PartnerSex/Intimacy and romance
Long term lesbian relationship confusion
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungI am 22, I have just decided to take time out of a 4-year lesbian relationship. I am confused as to whether I am happy as I have had mixed …
Affairs and JealousyRelationship Problems
Very messed up/abusive relationship, I really need help… its a long story…
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungWe have a very complicated relationship and to be frank, it’s very messed up… I’d appreciate your advice… Sorry if it’s too long My bf and I met two years …
Affairs and JealousyRelationship Problems
Why do I want this other guy while I still love my boyfriend?!
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungWe’ve been together with my boyfriend for almost three years and we’ve been through a lot together – financial troubles, death in the family, moving abroad…etc. – and we’ve changed …
Although money isn’t the most romantic topic, it’s an unavoidable part of any relationship. Your financial situation as a couple differs depending on whether you are married, civil partnered, or …
Some jealousy is normal in a relationship – it’s one of those things that tend to come with having a heart. However, there is a point when jealousy can become …
Getting on Better with my Partner
What impact can addiction have on a relationship?
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungA substance use problem often leads to changes in a person’s behavior that can be damaging to a relationship. They may be emotional and unpredictable. They may feel ashamed or …
Affairs and JealousyBecoming a ParentRelationship Problems
Reunited with First Love and Heartbroken
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungThis is a sorry tale and I hope you will bear with me and not judge too much. I re-met my first love and ever since have felt more love, …
I’m new to this site and to be honest I don’t know where to start.. I have been married for 7 years have been with my husband for 10 years. …
Affairs and JealousyRelationship Problems
I get anxious when my girlfriend wears revealing clothes.
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungI’m really struggling with this. I get anxious when my girlfriend wears kind of revealing clothes in public. But we’re not talking anything outrageous, maybe a low cut top or …
Couples Living ApartFinding Time for Each Other
How offshore work affects couple relationships
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungSometimes our jobs require us to work away from home for long periods of times. Oil rig workers and members of the Royal Navy can spend weeks or months working …