Marriage is a life lottery and it can be quite different than you have imagined. Age should never be limit in life, and if you had found your happiness you should go for it. Still, there are some things that you should think about before tying the knot.
1. Where will you live

Marrying later in life means you have already finished your education and you have been working for years. Maybe you have children and grandchildren and all that makes it harder to leave the city you already are living in. Buying a property can be tricky too – you need to agree on how much each one of you will invest.
2. Think about a prenuptial agreement
Life never goes according to plans, and it is never a bad idea to have a prenuptial agreement. A common misconception is that just rich people should have one. This legal document will define what happens if a marriage ends of one spouse die. Some of the late-life marriages are the first marriages, but most of them are certainly not and people have children from previous marriages. Children from previous marriages will have a safe future with this contract too. This is not the only thing you can do to protect them. Professionals like Foyle Legal can make a will for you in this case.
3. Medical costs

Before tying the knot, you should also think about the cost of medical bills. When you get married you choose your partner in better or worse. And with aging together you can expect that one of you gets sick at some point in the future. By the law, married couples are responsible for each other medicals bills. They can cost up to ten thousand or even more, and that means that you could spend your life savings on paying your husband/wives bill. In America, there are more than eleven thousand people that choose not to marry due to these reasons.
4. Plan funeral expenses
If you married really late (over 70 years old) it is a good idea to start preparing funds for the funeral. Funerals can be rather expensive and just like a medical bill you will be responsible for paying your husbands/or wives. Even dying is not cheap, but if you want to be buried next to your spouse, that is going to cost you a certain price.
5. Choose your right retirement plan
If you are close to getting retired, you might want to talk to your future spouse about what are you planning to do when retired. Will you travel the world or live peacefully in the same city? Are they thinking about moving to some town that is having more people of your age or maybe wants to go to Florida like many others when retired? Whatever you decide it is important to be calm and think everything true.
6. Is marriage worth losing your freedom?
This is a big thing to think about, especially for couples that have not lived together before marrying. Is it a good idea to lose your freedom for the sake of marriage? In marriage, you will have to be much more focused on your partner, and often you would have to put your spouse’s needs before yours. In some way this is sacrifice and that is a reason why people say that marriage is not for everyone. You really need to think this through when deciding to get married for the second time.
7. Getting hearth broken again

This is something to think about especially if you were suffering from a broken heart before. If your heart barely healed, and back in time you thought that you will never get over – the real question here is are you ready for a gamble? Marring is a bit like gambling because you will never know how things will work in the end. So are you ready for another potential failure and getting heartbroken for the second time? Getting brake up or divorced again can be even more painful than it was before. It could lead to anxiety or even in extreme cases depression.
8. Think about your choices
Considering that you are married in late years, this is probably your second or even third or fourth marriage. But this shouldn’t discourage you – there is an old saying that third is a charm. But since this is not the first marriage you should consider is marriage a good thing for you, or is that a good person for marriage. On the other hand, now you already have life experience so maybe this time your marriage won’t end like the last one. Be careful, making the wrong decision could ruin your last chances of finding the love of your life.
9. Think about what you learned from your first marriage/relationships

When you were younger you didn’t have as much of life experience, but now you do. It is important not to make mistakes from your first marriage in the second one. You should think about the times when you were making mistakes in your last marriage and make sure that you won’t do those mistakes now. If you do this part right, you will be able to live in a loving and caring marriage for the rest of your life. It is a thing that is wanted by both sides, but that part is something that is required from you to grow as a human bean. When you become a better person there is no doubt that your marriage will be better thousands of times than your last one. When you consider what is at stake you will find why self-growth is important.
10. Divorce can be expensive
Love can exist without marriage, but if love ever disappears from marriage there is a big chance that you will be having a divorce. The second divorce can do a lot of damage to you publicly, but also people will look you different in public when you say that you have been divorced two times. Furthermore, you may end up losing money and properties, but you also may end up with big alimentations. So, the second divorce can be a big burden.
In conclusion, we can say that it is important that love is in the air, but common sense must be more important. We wish you happily ever after!