If you read my last posting you will see where it was left.
Last Saturday I managed to log in to an email account I never knew my husband had. I changed the password and started reading it. To say it knocked me for six is a massive understatement.
Briefly, my last update was that my husband and I were going to relate as I had found out that since my youngest daughter had her major head surgery last April my husband had been talking to a friend of mine behind my back and meeting her for coffee sometimes. I found this out on holiday in August. He promised to stop and was genuinely sorry at the time as I was so hurt. He said he had no-one to talk to which he doesn’t. She, on the other hand, is a man predator! She was manipulating his vulnerability and using it to try and sleep with him.
Anyway, it turns out my husband had still been getting these emails from my “Ex” friend! He had been replying. It was nothing heavy her asking how we all were etc. He though had promised me there was no contact at all, He sat in relate and promised me. Little did I know that he had also been e-mailing someone off facebook and talking sexual stuff with her.

Img Source: growingself.com
About 3 weeks ago I was starting to get angry again during relate as I felt he was still lying. Well, he was. Not only had he been still keeping in contact with my “Ex” friend but the filth that was exchanged between him and this woman was just disgusting. She had sent him a topless picture and he denies sending her a picture.
I have been crying my eyes out and am devastated. I copied a lot of the mails and saved them as at the time I was shaking uncontrollably.
He has been clearly upset about all this he has been crying when I do. He has promised to be an excellent husband from now on. We had neglected each other since the birth of our youngest who has serious medical issues and may die.
Where can we go from this? I love him so much and we have started to be much more caring and loving towards each other but I cannot get the words he said to the woman out of my head. I cannot get the fact that he was still lying during our relate sessions out of my head. How do I know if we have problems again he won’t do this again? Should I e-mail her husband and tell him?

Img Source: videoblocks.com
I feel like I am the hurt battered one and everyone else has got away scot-free.
They had talked about meeting up, but not sure if they have. My head is aching. Earlier on in the week, I had suicidal thoughts something like that has never happened to me. I just couldn’t see a way out. My husband took 3 days off work to be with me. He has changed his mobile number as I asked him to and we are getting rid of the e-mail addresses,
Please help!