When you feel like things aren’t what they used to be in your relationship, it can be a sad time. Having a baby can bring this feeling on overnight, so …
Getting on Better with my Partner
How to save your relationship on your own
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungWhenever I tell someone that they don’t have to wait for their partner to commit to saving their relationship, I always get a quizzical look and sometimes downright scepticism: Doesn’t …
‘Mixed’ couple relationships among people from different racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds have been one of the consequences of centuries of migration. ‘Mixed’ couples and their families are part of …
All relationships rely on trust but couples who spend a lot of time apart may need to work harder on building trust with each other. Trust holds couples together – …
Expecting a baby? Just welcomed a newborn? Congratulations! Becoming a parent is the start of one of life’s most rewarding experiences. “Get ready for a lot of sleepless nights, nursing …
One Plus One have been working with university-based researchers to develop resources for thecoupleconnection.net that raise awareness about the sorts of issues ‘mixed’ couples may face, and to provide relationship …
Making a Commitment
Making a Commitment – Get Ready for your Wedding and your Marriage
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungPlanning your wedding can be an incredibly busy time with endless decisions to make … about the size of the budget, the type of ceremony and venue, the guest list, the menu, …
Getting on Better with my Partner
Everyone Needs to Feel Appreciated
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungIt is important to feel appreciated, especially when things aren’t going so well. When children arrive, you’ll probably find that domestic chores and childcare won’t always be split evenly between the …
Unsurprisingly, many couples argue about flirting and fancying others. You don’t start affairs without fancying. It’s an article of faith that partners should command each other’s sexual attention. But how far …
Affairs and JealousyFinding Time for Each OtherGetting on Better with my Partner
Affairs, jealousy and Facebook
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungMost of us are guilty of looking up an old flame on Facebook and having a good old nosey at their new life without us. But at what point does …
After a break up, it’s normal for both partners to experience a range of emotions as you come to terms with the fact you’re no longer a couple. Sad, angry, …
Jealousy is a normal emotion experienced by many people in relationships, but it’s important not to let it get out of control. Our top tips will help you manage jealousy …