Deciding to start a family of your own is a huge decision for any couple to make. For heterosexual couples, the path to parenthood is typically more straightforward. But for …
Getting on Better with my PartnerMaking a CommitmentSex/Intimacy and romance
Did you know this about same-sex relationships?
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungDid you know that same-sex partners are happier with the quality of their relationship than heterosexual couples? According to a survey by the Open University, same-sex couples are also more …
Becoming a Parent
Children Have To Cope With Changes In Families – But They Do Need Help!
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungWhen parents separate or form new relationships children have to face big changes in their world. Your children may seem happy enough at first, or at least not unhappy, and so understandably parents think …
The Becoming a Parent area is a space for first-time parents but also for those couples who are already parents but have just had a new baby. Becoming parents together for …
Going from a couple to a family may be one of the biggest changes you and your partner ever experience. It may be one of the most exciting times of …
Becoming a ParentMoney
Pregnancy and Finance Activity 1: Check Out What Benefits You’re Entitled To
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungMums who are working are usually entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay for up to 39 weeks of their maternity leave. This may be less than your normal pay – speak …
Becoming a ParentMoney
Pregnancy and Finance Activity 2: Work Out a Spending Plan Together
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungWhen you know what your income will be, sit down together and work out your expenses. The CoupleConnection has a free to download template to get you started. Find out …
Becoming a ParentMoney
Pregnancy and Finance Activity 3: Discuss Where you can Save Money
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungShopping can be addictive. Don’t get seduced by all the baby stuff in the shops – you really don’t need it all. Buying some things in preparation for the baby’s …
Becoming a ParentMoney
Pregnancy and Finance Activity 4: What Happens if Ends don’t Meet?
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungSo you’ve worked out your spending plan, but things don’t add up. If there’s going to be less coming in than going out what should you do? Firstly, don’t panic. …
Becoming a ParentMoney
Pregnancy and Finance Activity 5: Protect your Family’s Future
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungThe ‘what ifs’ become more important when you become a family, so don’t forget to write or update your will. Factor in the cost of insurance payments to your spending …
Becoming a ParentMoney
Pregnancy and Finance Exercise 1: Communication
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungGood decisions require good communication. But good communication doesn’t just happen – it’s something that takes practice, something you can work at improving. Active listening is a really useful skill. …
Becoming a ParentBringing up Children Together
Online Course: Changes for Me and Us
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungHaving a baby is a really happy event but it will change things for both of you. No matter how much people might have told you what to expect nothing really …