Mums who are working are usually entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay for up to 39 weeks of their maternity leave. This may be less than your normal pay – speak to your employer. If you have a low income or are self-employed you may still get a Maternity Allowance.
Dads are entitled to Statutory Paternity Pay for up to two weeks. This may be earnings-linked or a flat rate, whichever is less. For more guidance on maternity/paternity pay, visit the Directgov website.
Check the links below for information on specific benefits. For a summary of all of your entitlements, visit the Money Advice Service website .
- Child benefit is currently paid for each child.
- Tax credits and Working tax credits are also available if your family income is below a certain threshold.
- Make the most of your entitlement to free dental care and eye checks as a pregnant or new mum.
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