– is this site for me?
Do you want to get back to how things ‘used to be’ with your partner?
Are you worried about your relationship?
Do you want to make things better but don’t know how?
Are you ‘stuck’ in patterns of behavior but want to change?
If so can help. is a do-it-yourself relationship support service where you and your partner can use a range of exercises, quizzes and resources to work things out for yourselves.

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But to get the most out of the service you must want to improve your relationship. That means asking yourself some questions before you get started.
Do you still love your partner?
Do you respect them as a person?
Do you both want to work things out together?
Can you take responsibility for some of the issues that cause problems in your relationship?
Are you prepared to compromise?
If you can answer yes to most of these questions then you and your partner should be able to strengthen your relationship by using
Remember may be hard for you to use if you are feeling overwhelmed, sad, angry or hurt. So take care to follow the advice on the site on when to use the different resources, and when not to. The do-it-yourself approach means you must take care to take care of yourself.
While many of the features are aimed at people ‘in’ a relationship, the material can also help people ‘in-between’ relationships looking to develop their understanding of relationships before starting a new one.
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