Did you know that just over 20% of divorces in 2005 cited infidelity as the proven fact? Some couples are able to deal with an infidelity, but others find it harder. Whatever the circumstances, finding out that your partner is having an affair can be hurtful and painful for all those involved and the fallout can be difficult to deal with.
Below you will find some interesting facts about infidelity and public attitudes towards it.
What does the general public think about fidelity?
- Over 80% of cohabiting, married, divorced and remarried people rated faithfulness as very important for a successful marriage. (1)
- 84% of the population think that “extramarital sex is mostly or always wrong”. (2)
How many people have affairs?

Img Source: powerofpositivity.com
- In 2001 on average 14.6% of men and 9% of women aged between 16 and 44 in a relationship had had concurrent sexual partners in the previous year. (3)
- In 2006, 21% of divorces awarded to men cited adultery as the proven fact and 18% of divorces granted to women cited adultery. (4)
- You Gov. (2007). Marriage and Divorce YouGov / Sunday Times Survey Results. Available from http://www.yougov.co.uk/extranets/ygarchives/content/archivesMain.asp?rID=4
- Duncan, S. & Phillips, M. (2008). New families? Tradition and change in modern relationships in Park, A. et al., eds British Social Attitudes: the 24th Report 2007/2008. London: Sage, 2008.
- Johnson, AM. et al. (2001). Sexual behavior in Britain: partnerships, practices and HIV risk behaviors. The Lancet, 358 (1), pp.1835-1842.
- National Statistics. (2009). Marriage, divorce and adoption statistics: Review of the registrar General on marriages and divorces in 2006, and adoptions in 2007, in England and Wales. FM2 no. 34. London: HMSO. Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen’s Printer for Scotland.