Hi guys, I’m kinda new to this site…
Okay so I’m 16 and going out with a guy who is 25 ( yes 9 years between us) 3 days ago was his birthday, so as usual, he picked me up from school with his car. So when we were in the car he said ” so what’s my present?” I just looked at him and said ” you’ll see” then he just laught..So when we came to some really quite place, he started to touch my legs and keep on going up and down, then he told me to go to the back of the car..So I did, then he came. We started to kiss then I gave him heads (suck his dick, I’m not a slut!) then he pulled me up and we started to kiss again. As we were kissing he put his hand up my skirt and tried to pull my pants down!
But I realised he wasnt wearing a condom. So I told him to stop, but he didnt! He pushed me and went on top of me. I started to cry but he didnt care! He opened the buttons of my school shirt. Then I screamed “You fucking rapist get of me” the mintue I said that he pulled away. He got out the car, I started to cry even more because he was shouting out ” what the fuck im I doing?” he said that about 3-4 time and got in the car and dropped me off on my street. I didn’t say a word and left! That night I told one of my best friend what happened. The day later my friend forced me to come to school ( so maybe I’ll forget him), so I came to school and everything was normal.

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When school finished I saw my boyfriend with his car again! I got angry and went up to him and said ” what the fuck are you doing here” then he said ” we need to talk”( and said some other things but I dont remeber them) so I got in the car and we went to the same place. He got out the car and came to the back, where I was sitting. When he got in the car he got really close to me and I started to cry and asked him ” why did you stop last night? ” then he replied ” coz dont wanna hurt the girl I love” the mintue he said that I felt powerless..
I forgot everything that happened last night and hugged him. I dont why but everytime he touchs me I forget all my problems and feel lose, I feel like he would protect me from all the bad things and I feel specail! Why? Why do I feel liike this for a man that nearly raped me? Is it love?
So anyways he put his hands on my shoulder and said ” I’m not the right guy for you! I am a player type, look Amanda lets end this before I do something dumb and hurt you, coz im feeling things that I’ve never felt for any women in my life,I think im falling deeply in love with you,and that dangerouse for you, please baby undestand me and help end this realtionship” (he said something in between these lines, I dont remember it word to word) I was shoked, I didnt know what to do because I really did love him!
So what should I do? Break up with him? Stay with him? I am confused please help me, I really do love him!