My ex and I broke up just over a month ago after being together over one year. We got into an argument, and he said I was making him miserable …
Communications in relationshipsGetting on Better with my Partner
To be mad or not to be mad
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungHello, Currently, I and my wife had a hard argument. The reason why we argue is because of her way of phrasing things or saying things. I believe she lacks …
Affairs and JealousySex/Intimacy and romance
Partner is prevaricating
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungI have been seeing a married woman for approaching nine years. I had been in a foul relationship for fourteen years, until last year. My new partner and I had …
Communications in relationshipsGetting on Better with my PartnerMoney
All I want for Christmas is to know you love me
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungRelationship research shows that buying gifts for a loved one can make you happier and, for the recipient, it really is the thought that counts. Shopping for gifts at this …
Life transitionsMaking a CommitmentMoney
Buying a property and moving in together – What you need to know
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungMoving in together is one of the biggest decisions you can make as a couple. Whether you are buying or renting, there are a number of things to consider and …
Making a CommitmentMoney
Protect your child’s inheritance money by making a will
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungMaking a will ensures that your money and possessions will be distributed according to your wishes. When a person dies without having made a will, it is called ‘dying intestate’. …
Whether it’s a credit card or a bank loan, help from a family member, a quick dip into the overdraft, or even a payday loan, almost everyone has some experience …
Becoming a ParentBringing up Children Together
My boyfriend called our baby annoying
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungMy boyfriend and I both work and we have a 9-month-old baby together. Very rarely if the babysitter can’t come one of us will watch her. Today he had to …
Making a CommitmentSex/Intimacy and romance
I have no idea what to think about this new person…?
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungHi. I met a man several weeks ago, while I was on business out of town. We talked. I felt a strong pull to him and connection. Also what I …
Life transitionsMaking a Commitment
Is there a soulmate out there for you?
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungIs there one perfect person out there in the world for you? And, if so, what are the odds of finding them? What is a soulmate? When the idea of …
Becoming a ParentLife transitions
From teething to timesheets: Easing back into work after a baby
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungAfter having a baby, going back to work might be the last thing you want to think about. But the better prepared and supported you are, the easier the transition …
Communications in relationshipsGetting on Better with my Partner
Healthy relationships for healthy bodies
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungNew research suggests that having a caring partner could be good for your physical health as well as your happiness, and may even help you live longer. It’s been known …