All couples will argue about the kids, sometimes it might feel like they’re coming between you, at other times it may feel like they are playing one of you off …
Bringing up Children TogetherCommunications in relationshipsGetting on Better with my Partner
Cynics will no doubt think of Father’s Day as just another commercial con, created by retailers to make unwitting consumers part with their hard-earned cash. But the origins of this …
Becoming a ParentBringing up Children Together
Tips for couples having a second child
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungCouples tend to get a lot of attention when they make the transition to parenthood. But when couples decide they want to have more children and extend the family, they …
Many couples find that, after they have children, it is easy to fall into gender stereotypes. Even when, before becoming a family, they were in an equal partnership and supportive …
Welcome to the Relationship Advice section of This website is designed to follow the helping process that is divided into five stages; exploring, understanding, making plans, making changes and reviewing. In the …
Having a Child with Additional Needs
Special needs child and maintaining your relationship – Intimacy
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungIntimacy can mean emotional closeness as well as sexual intimacy and it plays an important part in healthy relationships. Sometimes parents of children with additional needs are too busy and …
Having a Child with Additional Needs
Special needs child and maintaining your relationship – Supporting each other at meetings
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungWhen your child has an additional need you often come into contact with a range of professionals. While these professionals can offer support, many parents experience difficult encounters. It is important to …
Having a Child with Additional Needs
Special needs child and maintaining your relationship – Supporting each other and your child’s behaviour
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungA number of parents talk about the stress of having to deal with challenging behavior from their child. One of the major stresses seems to be the reaction of others, particularly when out …
Having a Child with Additional Needs
Special needs child and maintaining your relationship – Acknowledging different feelings
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungFinding out that your child has a special need can be a devastating experience for you and your wider family. Do not expect that you and your partner will react to a diagnosis or the …
Having a Child with Additional Needs
Special Needs Child and Maintaining your Relationship – Communication is Key
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungThe ability to talk and listen to each other is probably the most important skill to develop in any relationship in order to keep it healthy. When your child has an additional need there seems …
Having a Child with Additional Needs
Book review – Special needs child: Maintaining your relationship – Staying connected through the highs and lows
by Maki kim ungby Maki kim ungBecoming a parent can put new, unexpected strains on any relationship and those who have a child with special needs will face additional challenges depending on the severity of the …
When we decide we want to improve our relationship we’ll begin by identifying the area of our relationship that isn’t working well or the issue that seems to cause trouble …