Asian girls are considered, by many people, as the smartest and most beautiful women on the planet.
And while everyone has their own preference and taste in women, we can all agree that Asian women are definitely something out of the ordinary.
In large parts of Western Society, Asian girls are seen as something exotic and exciting. A lot of people wouldn’t mind dating one, and a lot of people definitely want to.
But, as with any girl, there are certain things everyone should keep in mind when dating. These things will have a direct impact on your relationship, and the way the girl will want that relationship to pan out.
So, without further ado, keep these tips in mind when dating an Asian girl.
1. Be Good At First Impressions

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Going on a first date has nothing to do with being lucky, feeling lucky, or hoping that luck will be your partner for the night.
First dates require a simple, but highly important thing; a good first impression.
There are many ways you could leave a good first impression on the girl you’re going out with. For starters, take a look at the potential clothes you’re planning on wearing. Do they look old and worn out? Are the pants ripped? Is the shirt outdated? To easily solve this problem, go out and buy a pair of jeans and a nice shirt.
Secondly, your character can also leave a good first impression. You don’t need to impress her, per se, but you do need to show some emotions and show that you care about the way you look.
2. Choose a Nice Place

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When asking an Asian girl out for a date, chances are you’ll be the one who has to pick the place.
If so, then always choose a place that you’re familiar with, or better yet, both of you are familiar with. As a general rule of thumb, never make reservations at places that both of you have never been to. This will not only make both of you uncomfortable but will also spark feelings of unfamiliarity.
When dining, or drinking, always converse and never focus solely on either two. Also, during the date, you should never make things boring and always have something to talk about if the conversation flattens.
With that said, you should avoid topics that don’t interest her and converse on those that do. Even if you have little to no knowledge about the topic, pretend that you’re interested and listening. If there is something Asian women want, it’s a man that can listen to them.
After the dinner, you might think it would be wise to pay for the bill yourself. Well, doing so will not only anger her, but you’ll also never see her again. Asian girls don’t like it when a man pays for everything and will be more than happy to split the bill with you.
There are many ways to meet Asian girls from all corners of the continent. A viable option is to try your luck online. So, if you want to meet Asian girls online, then make sure to visit Best Brides.
3. Be Confident

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In the case of Asian women, confidence is one of the biggest factors that will determine a successful date. Although every woman loves a confident man, these girls go absolutely crazy.
When a guy is confident in himself, he sparks an aura that makes him instantly attractive. The more confident you are, the more attractive you’ll be in her eyes. The more attractive you are, the crazier she’ll go for you when she sees you and meets you in person.
The power of confidence can make you attractive even if she doesn’t feel you’re her type. By believing in yourself, you are making it easier for a new topic of conversation to be opened. This way, the date will never flatten and things will remain exciting. Most importantly, she will learn new things about you, which are an instant turn on in an Asian girl’s book.
But, this is easier said than done and chances are some of you will be quite shy. So, how do you avoid this?
Well, for starters, the best way to overcome the things that make you shy is to start doing those things. Does talking in public make you shy, well, start going out more and you’ll overcome it.
Did you blow the chance to talk to that hottie at the party last week, well, don’t blow it next time it happens? Overcoming these things can greatly increase your confidence, make you believe in yourself, and overcome and obstacle anxiety throws in your face.
4. Start Listening

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We mentioned earlier that women love it when a man listens to them. This is exactly the thing you’re supposed to be doing if you want your first date to be a success.
Asian girls are shier than others, but they still want a man to listen to them. Chances are, you’ll be the one doing all the talking. But listen closely when she decides to open her mouth.
At first, the girl will most likely talk about her own experiences and about herself. These are the hardest topics for a girl to talk on, and you need to make the most out of it when she does.
If you want to get personal and private, then you need to initiate the conversation. An Asian girl will never start talking about herself if you don’t do it first.
5. Don’t Push It

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When dating an Asian girl for the first time, or any other for that matter, it’s important to keep it light. What we mean by this is that you should avoid talking about things such as marriage, kids, living together, etc.
No sane person will think nicely about you if you talk about these things on the first date. Not only is this an instant turn off for the girl, but it’s quite weird when you think about it.