Jealousy is a normal emotion experienced by many people in relationships, but it’s important not to let it get out of control. Our top tips will help you manage jealousy and work towards a healthier, happier relationship.
Improve your self-esteem independently of your partner. Try to spend time doing something you enjoy and that makes you feel good about yourself. It could be anything from a pottery class to exercising.
Recognise your good points
Make a list of all your qualities and achievements that will remind you why your partner loves you when you have moments of insecurity. If you’re struggling to do this for yourself you could ask your partner to contribute points too.
Consider other people
You may be able to rationalise jealous outbursts in your own head, but try considering what those outside the situation might think. Taking their reactions into account before you react can help you stay calm and in control.

Take responsibility for your jealousy
If your jealousy comes from your own insecurities rather than your partner’s actions try to recognise and accept this, it could help you overcome the negative emotions.
Change your attitude
Recognise that healthy couples have separate interests. Try not to get jealous if your partner decides to spend an evening with friends rather than you, make your own plans and look forward to even more to talk about when you’re back together.
Create balance
If your social life revolves around your partner it’s inevitable you’ll feel jealous when they want to do their own thing. By developing your own interests, re-igniting friendships, and carving out some independence you can take some pressure off your relationship.
Learn from past behaviour
If jealousy has caused issues in your previous relationships try to recognise this and use past experience to help you make positive changes in your current relationship. Nobody wants to make the same mistakes twice.

Share your feelings
Try to make your partner an ally not an enemy in battling your jealous feelings. Be open when you’re feeling jealous and ask for your partner’s support. Explain that you know the feelings may not be rational, but that a little reassurance from them can help you let go and move on.
Click here for tips on helping your partner deal with jealousy.