If you’ve been in a romantic relationship, you certainly understand that fights and disagreements are an inevitable part of the relationship. However, how you react to these problems significantly determines your chances of continuing your relationship. Unfortunately, very few people know how to battle serious problems in their relationships. This explains why most end up bidding goodbye to their love stories with broken hearts.
While there are no smooth relationships, every couple facing obstacles should face them together. You can solve simple or minor disagreements with a meaningful apology and a perfect gift from Dainty Jewells. However, you’ll need the following tips to crack serious relationship problems without possibly breaking up.
1. Accept that Your Relationship isn’t Perfect

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Despite the love and show of affection between couples, most people don’t accept the reality of their relationships. The first step is accepting that you are certainly not in a fantasy world, and your relationship can never be perfect. A big part of fixing relationship issues is recognizing that you are imperfect.
You and your partner should accept that humans are prone to error and wrong decisions. You shouldn’t think of ending the relationship just because someone made a wrong decision. Instead, acknowledge the mistakes, focus on real issues, and learn from them.
2. Discuss the Problems in Your Relationship

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Romantic relationships are different, and people battle different problems in their relationships. Depending on how long you’ve been dating, you can easily identify specific issues that lead to disagreements. Communication is important in a relationship, especially if you are trying to solve problems affecting both parties.
Highlight and discuss your problems together, instead of fighting and blaming each other. Speak your thoughts and allow your partner to voice their ideas. Here, you shouldn’t compete about who has better opinions because neither party will be satisfied with half-hearted solutions.
3. Stop Blaming Your Partner

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As mentioned, you shouldn’t blame your partner for any challenges affecting your relationship. If your partner does something wrong in the relationship, you should consider two possibilities. Your partner could be reacting to how you initially treated them. Similarly, chances are you played a part in their actions or behavior. Start by evaluating yourself. If you are certain you did your part, think of other factors that possibly drove your partner to act the way they did.
4. Don’t Let External Judgments Influence Your Decision

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While asking for advice from other people is prudent, you shouldn’t use their opinions to make final decisions about problems in your relationship. The only way of handling relationship problems without breaking up is by discussing them with your partner or a relationship therapist. Provided you have no doubts that you are doing everything right, you should reject what other people think of your relationship, especially if their suggestions contradict your feelings.
5. Don’t Focus On Your Vices for Temporary Remedy

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Most people turn to their vices for a temporary reprieve when they have relationship problems. While they can temporarily hold your thoughts, smoking, drinking, flirting, and other vices are destructive and won’t solve your relationship problems.
Avoid this option if you don’t want to break up with your romantic partner. Instead, face the problems head-on and sort them out as soon as possible.
6. Don’t Argue Over the Phone or Text Messages

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Another crucial tip to solving relationship problems without breaking up is handling your issues one-on-one. Personal or in-physical confrontations are important when resolving arguments between couples. Arguing through the phone or text messages is limiting, as you won’t understand your partners’ feelings, expressions, and points of view.
The emotions accompanying the messages or phone calls are lost, making it difficult for couples to understand one another.
If you aren’t close to each other, you’d rather schedule a later time to handle these problems. Meet up for lunch or dinner in an intimate place. Such environments provide the necessary ambiance, allowing you to discuss your issues comfortably.
7. Take a Break for a Given Period
Most people prefer taking some time away from each other to calm their emotions. While it is an effective strategy, especially after a heated argument, you should have set limits for the break. Coming up with reasonable solutions after an intensive argument is impossible. Take some time off with your friends, family, or by yourself. This gives you an ample opportunity to think through your relationship issues.
8. Be Patient and Understanding

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Long distances burden several relationships. If you are in a long-distance relationship, you should be guided by three key qualities: patience, faith, and understanding. You shouldn’t break up because of a simple misunderstanding or impatience.
Allow yourself to try out and adjust to a long-distance relationship. You should also trust and have faith in your partner.
Don’t give up on each other if you can work out your issues.
9. Be Apologetic, and Mean It

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Disagreements and arguments with your romantic partner are hurting. Your actions, behavior, or words can hurt your significant other. Regardless of who initiated the fault, you should be ready to tender a meaningful apology. Apologizing for the disagreement doesn’t necessarily mean you are taking the blame for the situation.
10. Don’t Object to Your Partner’s Complaints

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You can easily get defensive if your partner criticizes your words, actions, or behaviors. However, you should restrain yourself and avoid being defensive, as this may invalidate your partner’s feelings. Ensuring you acknowledge and validate your partner’s feelings is important for romantic relationships.
If you are having a heated argument or disagreeing on something, listen carefully and evaluate your words. Using harsh words can further hurt your partner’s feelings or make them feel they aren’t valued.
You should never entertain the thoughts of breaking up with your romantic partner if you can solve your relationship issues.
Regardless of how hurt or emotionally damaged you feel, ending your relationship shouldn’t be part of your conversation.
You shouldn’t give up easily, especially if you are willing to fix things. If things are thick, you should only consider taking a break. The tips mentioned above can help you solve problems and strengthen your relationship.