If you’re currently crushing on a strong, silent type, then you don’t need to be told what a mixed bag that type of guy can be.
On the one hand, they can be seriously attractive in a sexy, smoldering way. But on the other, they can be maddeningly difficult to read, as they’re not always great at expressing how they feel.
So how can you tell if a quiet potential sugar daddy you’re talking to on a site like SugarDaddyForMe.com is equally into you? Believe it or not, there are easy ways to get a read on him without simply asking him outright (although that’s definitely a solid way to go, too). Here’s a look at some key signs to be on the lookout for.
1. He lights up around you

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Strong, silent sugar daddy types aren’t exactly known for being animated or emotional. So if anyone or anything, in particular, actually lights them up inside, it’s a big deal not to be taken lightly. Does your guy smile more when he’s around you or otherwise simply seem to be in a really good mood? Is he more talkative than usual?
Those are definitely signs he’s into you and very much enjoys being in your presence, whether you’ve officially been out on a date yet or not. You can rest easy in the knowledge that you stay on his mind when you part ways and that he thinks about you when you’re not together.
2. He makes you feel like the only one in the room

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These days, so few people really pay attention to others and make it a point to be truly present when they spend time together. So when someone does things differently, it really makes an impact and can leave you feeling like the only person in the room.
Does the potential sugar daddy you’re thinking of focus all of his attention on you to the point where the rest of the world just melts away? Does he actively listen to you, appearing to hang on your every word? Does he treat you like you’re the only one around who matters? It’s likely because, to him, you are.
3. He communicates with you when you’re not together

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Strong, silent types with sugar daddy potential are generally really busy guys. They don’t believe in wasting their time, and they’re certainly not the type of men who start random conversations out of boredom. So if your guy is in the habit of reaching out to you to chat outside of the times you’re together in person, you’re definitely someone special to him.
Does he ever text you or instant message you, just to talk, despite not being all that into texting in general? Does he send you memes or articles he happened across online simply because he knows you’d like them? If so, there’s no doubt about it.
You’re on the guy’s mind.
4. He asks you about yourself

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Busy men quite simply don’t waste their time asking after people they don’t care about. They’ve got far too much going on to spend their valuable time on idle chitchat just for the sake of being polite. So if the guy you’re thinking of goes out of his way to ask you lots of questions, it definitely means something, especially if you already know for a fact that he’s not much of a talker.
People – especially quieter, more reserved men – ask people about themselves when they genuinely want to get to know them better. He wants information about you and longs to know what makes you tick. And yes, you likely cross his mind often when you’re not together.
5. He’s great at remembering little details

Source: piqsels.com
A would-be sugar daddy who wants to make a particular girl his sugar baby does more than just ask questions about her and listen intently to the answers. He actually retains the information, as well, even after a lot of time has gone by – even when the information in question is only so-called small stuff.
So does he easily recall tiny details about your life or preferences that you told him weeks, if not months, ago? Does he look for little ways to incorporate these details into gestures he makes so that they seem even more special? He may well be a thorough guy who’s used to covering all his bases, but that’s not all it’s about.
6. He asks you what you think

Source: piqsels.com
Again, men of few words aren’t really about simply making conversation for the sake of it. They certainly aren’t in the habit of asking a potential sugar baby they’re not all that into for her opinion on any of his decisions.
So if your guy does this, pay attention. Not only does he think about you and want to be around you, but he genuinely values your thoughts and opinions. Take what you’re seeing at face value. You’re sure to wind up glad you did.
If you’re wondering whether or not a prospective sugar daddy likes you, there are some telltale signs to look for. First, see if he’s making an effort to talk to you and spend time with you. If he’s always around when you’re at school or work, or he texts and calls you often, it’s likely that he’s interested in you. Another way to tell if a guy likes you is by how he treats you.
Does he go out of his way to do nice things for you, or is he always trying to make you laugh? If he’s constantly trying to make a good impression on you, it’s likely that he’s interested in you. Lastly, pay attention to how he talks about other women. If he seems jealous when you talk about other guys or if he always has something negative to say about other sugar babies, it could be a sign that he likes you and is trying to keep your attention on him. Keep all of this in mind when talking to your next potential sugar daddy and you’ll be on your way to a happier more fulfilling life in the sugar bowl.