A new video that’s going viral has couples playing a revealing game of Truth or Drink, asking each other intimate questions about sex and relationships.
The clip, produced by Cut Video, has been watched over two million times and features eight couples asking probing personal questions. Their partners can either answer truthfully or take a shot of alcohol.
The couples include the producer’s parents and the director’s grandparents, who get straight into the heart of things with the question, ‘When did you last masturbate and where was I?’
Other questions include ‘Which celebrity would you most like to have sex with?’ and ‘How long would you wait if your partner were in a coma?’

Img Source: youtube.com
Most of the participants avoid the question about sex with exes although, perhaps surprisingly, the director’s grandparents seem quite open and accepting about this one.
By the end of the video, all of the couples have had a few drinks but most have also opened up to their significant other.
In a heart-warming finale, the couples answer the question, ’Why do you love me?’ with answers including, ’Everything always comes from a good place in your heart’ and ‘He loves me for who I am and not the persona I portray’.
When faced with an awkward question about your relationship, would you rather tell the truth or take a drink? If you’re finding it difficult to broach certain topics, visit our Communications in Relationships section on our videos page for tips and support on how to show your partner how you feel.