Some times our finances just seem to get a bit out of hand. Although we might know how much is coming in each month – what’s going out can be another story. Use this planner to see if your income and expenditure match up. Perhaps there are some things you could cut back on, or perhaps you could be saving a little more. This planner will help you get you finances in order so you can know exactly what you have to spend each month and where your hard earned pennies go!

source: romania-insider.com
Use the planner to think about:
- How much do you spend? Are you spending more, breaking even, or do you have cash left at the end of each month?
- Where are most of your outgoings, do you spend more than you should on clothes, or are you a take away addict? Are all your purchases essential?
- Are there any surprises – it is shocking sometimes how much these things add up. How much is that gym membership, do you really need all those CDs?
- Could you and you partner have a monthly budget? Talk about it together.