For many couples, going on that first holiday together is considered a major milestone in the relationship.
Like any holiday, your first romantic trip together requires a lot of planning, and isn’t immune to disaster!
Whether you’re heading to Blackpool or to the Bahamas, the following tips should help you and your partner make the most of that first holiday together:
Manage your expectations
No doubt you’ve dreamed of what your first holiday together will be like. You may have visions of you holding hands and skipping across the beach and dining in the fanciest restaurants – but your other half may be planning a full-on adventure weekend full of zip lines, white water rafting and sleeping rough in the woods!
When expectations don’t match, couples are bound to clash. So, before you jump on a flight together, talk about what you want to get out of the holiday.
If you’re both on completely different pages then tips 2 and 3 may help you out.
Make compromises
When you’re both hoping to get different things out of the holiday, an easy way to keep everyone happy is to come to a compromise. Plan your trip so that you spend the morning doing something that you would like, and the afternoon doing what your partner would like. Or, plan it so that each day you take turns choosing the activity.
Balance your time together and apart
If you can’t come to a compromise, set aside some personal time where you can both go off and do something you enjoy on your own.
Make sure that you keep your phone charged and you have plenty of money and a map, just in case you get lost and your partner isn’t around to help you out!
Spending time apart can be good for a couple on their first holiday together – particularly if they’re not used to being around each other 24 hours a day. Read our article to find out about the benefits of personal time in a relationship.
It’s not all about sex!
Again, this is about managing expectations. You may have visions of you and your partner making love on every inch of hotel furniture, on the sand, in the plane, halfway up the Eiffel Tower, but is that realistic?
Don’t force intimacy just because you’re on holiday. If you’re both in the mood, then it will happen naturally.
Remember that there are also other ways to be intimate while on holiday – just holding hands while you explore a new city can help you feel connected.
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make this first holiday together ‘perfect’. Keep the above points in mind and just go out and have fun together!