Having a baby is a really happy event but it will change things for both of you.
No matter how much people might have told you what to expect nothing really prepares you for being a new mum or dad.
The love and pride you will feel can be quite overwhelming but so can the sleep deprivation…tiredness like you have probably never known before.
And just getting used to all the new responsibilities can make you feel quite anxious and confused– however, overjoyed you are with your new baby.
Research shows most mums and dads will have some problems adjusting to their new life as a family so it’s not surprising that all these new demands can put a real strain on your relationship.

Img Source: ihv.org.uk
“When Tom (our first child) came along, Rachel needed more support following post-natal depression, which meant that I needed to be there for more than ever expected. This had a significant impact on my ability to work and resulted in a loss of my earning capacity which I hadn’t bargained on. She wanted me to be there the whole time and it meant I couldn’t take on as much work, which created quite a strain on our relationship.” – Russell, Brighton.
The Changes for Me and Us course has been developed to help both expectant and new parents prepare, understand and cope better with some of these changes.
The course will help you both to explore and better understand each other’s feelings and expectations. By working through the various changes a baby brings together you can help each other be more realistic and prepared for the ups and downs of parenthood.